🚩What You Will Learn In This Course?
10 hours of training
Introduction Using Interface / Scanner
RP1210 connection
Operating Systems and Software
Communication protocols
Introduction to Detroit Course
Detroit Diagnostic Programs
Detroit Diesel Program 6.50
Diagnostic Trouble Codes Detroit Program 6.50
Parameter Export Procedure
ECM Passwords
Test ECM Inputs and Outputs with Soft. 6.5
Test Data Monitoring
engine tests
Additional tests
Test with Module MD2 Diesel Software
Detroit Diesel Reports Program
Detroit Diesel Reprogramming System Program
Detroit Diesel 8.3 Program
Diagnostic Trouble Codes Detroit Program 8.3
Program Instrumentation
Service routines
Test ECM Inputs and Outputs with Soft. 8.3
Parameter Change
Modification of Calibrations
- General Course Information
- Basic information
- Introduction, Explanation of ECM's and Software
- Management of Calibrations: import, save and open by Calibrations Tools.
- Management of Calibrations: Comparison of Calibrations by Calibrations Tools.
- Complete programming by Reprogramming System.
- Parameterizations Calibrations and Personalization of ECM Variables.
- Explanation EGR System, VGT DIV, DV.
- EGR Modification Procedure
- Reprogramming Mercedes Benz
- Practice on Module DDEC6
- DDEC6 Module Programming
- Mercedes Benz MCM Programming
- Completion of MCM Mercedes Benz Programming
Bonus 1: Detroit Harness Crafting
Bonus 2: Mercedes/Freightliner Programming
For this course it is suggested to have the Detroit Diesel software:
Calibration tools
DDDL 8 onwards
DDDL 6.50
DDEC Reports
DDEC Reprogramming
- Wiring Diagram :