🚩What's Included In This Course?
1- Included Videos:
0- winols4.51 install
101 Winols intro wm
102 Winols egr wm
103 Winols drivers wish wm
104 Winols torque wm
105 Winols MAF smoke map wm
106 Winols boost map wm
107 Winols turbo limiting map wm
108 Winols N75 map wm
109 Winols Single Value Boost Limit wm
110 Winols duration p1 wm
111 Winols duration p2 wm
112 Winols duration selector wm
113 Winols Start of Injection p1 wm
114 Winols SOI explained wm
115 Winols SOI selector map wm
116 Winols SOI limiting map wm
117 winols Starting maps wm
118 Winols understanding ecu maps 1 EGR wm
119 Winols understanding ecu maps 2 Drivers wish wm
120 Winols understanding ecu maps 3 Torque map wm
121 Winols understanding ecu maps 4 MAF Smoke map wm
122 Winols understanding ecu maps 5 Turbo map wm
123 Winols understanding ecu maps 6 Turbo limiter map wm
124 Winols understanding ecu maps 7 N75% map wm
125 Winols understanding ecu maps 8 Start Of Injection maps wm
126 Winols understanding ecu maps 9 Duration wm
127 Winols making map changes using EGR example wm
128 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 1 EGR wm
129 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 2 drivers wish wm
130 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 3 torque limit wm
131 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 4 I
132 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 5 boost map wm
133 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 6 boost limite wm
134 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 7 N75% map wm
135 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 8 duration map wm
136 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 9 Start Of Inj wm
137 Comparing pd 130bhp maps with pd 150 bhp maps 10 Start Of In wm
138 Basic remapping 1 Intro wm
139 Basic remapping 2 drivers wish wm
140 Basic remapping 3 Smoke map wm
141 Basic remapping 4 Boost map wm
142 Basic remapping 5 Boost limiter and SVBL wm
143 Basic remapping 6 finalising smoke map and boost map wm
144 Basic remapping 7 Torque map wm
145 Basic remapping 8 Duration maps wm
146 Basic remapping 9 Start of Injection wm
147 EDC15 Idle speed maps and adjustments wm
148 Fault code changes 1 Intro wm
149 Fault code changes 2
150 Fault code changes 3 EGR example
201 Finding edc16 maps 1 drivers wish
202 Finding edc16 maps 2 EGR
203 Finding edc16 maps 3 Torque limiter
204 Finding edc16 maps 4 Smoke maps (IQ limiters)
205 Finding edc16 maps 5 lamda p1
206 Finding edc16 maps 6 lambda p2
207 Finding edc16 maps 7 Torque to Injected Quantity converter
208 Finding edc16 maps 8 Boost map
209 Finding edc16 maps 9 Boost limiter
210 Finding edc16 maps 10 Single Value Boost Limit (SVBL)
211 Finding edc16 maps 11 N75 duty cycle
212 Finding edc16 maps 12 Duration maps
213 Finding edc16 maps 13 Duration selector
214 Finding edc16 maps 14 Start of Injection maps (SOI)
215 Finding edc16 maps 15 Start of Injection selector
216 Finding edc16 maps 16 Start of Injection Limiter
217 Understanding EDC16 fueling p1
218 Understanding EDC16 fueling p2
219 Understanding EDC16 fueling p3
220 Understanding EDC16 fueling p4
221 EDC16 fueling p5
222 Understanding EDC16 fueling p6
223 Basic remapping edc16 1 drivers wish
224Basic remapping edc16 2 Disable EGR using EGR hysteresis maps
225 Basic remapping edc16 2 egr maps
226 Basic remapping edc16 3 Torque to IQ conversion map
227 Basic remapping edc16 4 IQ limit by air pressure (MAP)
228 Basic remapping edc16 5 Boost maps
229 Basic remapping edc16 6 Boost limiting map
230 Basic remapping edc16 7 Single VAlue Boost Limit (SVBL)
231 Basic remapping edc16 8 Torque limiting map
232 Basic remapping edc16 9 IQ limit by air pressure (MAP) P2
233 Basic remapping edc16 10 IQ limit by Lambda value
234 Basic remapping edc16 11 Duration for increase IQ
235 Basic remapping edc16 12 Start of Injection changes
236 Basic remapping edc16 13 Start of Injection dynamic timing
301 Fault codes in edc16 p1 Intro wm
302 Fault codes in edc16 p2 Defining P-code table wm
303 Fault codes in edc16 p3 Defining VAG- code table wm
304 Fault codes in edc16 p4 Defining Fault path table wm
305 Fault codes in edc16 p5 Deleting faults wm
401 Finding Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) switch in edc16 file wm
edc17 error code delete p1 wm
edc17 error code delete p2 wm
swirl flap delete edc17 p1 wm
swirl flap delete edc17 p2 wm
winols compare file function p1 wm
winols compare file function p2 wm
winols compare file function p3 wm
Winols beginners guide part 1
winols guide part 2. How to find EGR map in EDC15 file
winols guide part 3. How to find Drivers wish map in EDC15 file
winols guide part 4. How to find Torque map in EDC15 file
winols guide part 5. How to find MAF smoke map in EDC15 file
winols guide part 6. How to find boost map in EDC15 file
winols guide part 7. How to find boost limiting map in EDC15 file
winols guide part 8 N75 map
winols guide part 9 Single Value Boost Limit
winols guide part 10 duration p1
winols guide part 11 duration p2
winols guide part 12 duration selector
winols guide part 13 Start of Injection p1
winols guide part14 SOI explained
winols guide part 15 SOI selector map
winols guide part 16 SOI limiting map
winols guide part 17 Starting maps
Winols understanding ecu maps 1 EGR
Winols understanding ecu maps 2 Drivers wish
Winols understanding ecu maps 3 Torque map
2- Learning WinOLS PDF